The scope of the service request EMSN-037 was the generation of a series of risk & recovery maps for the three locations, including hazard, exposure, vulnerability and risk concerning a range of hazards: earthquake, landslide, soil and coastal erosion, tsunami, and flood. The results for Arica and Tacna are intended to be used to support UNESCO's project "Enhancing Natural HAzard resilience iN South America" (ENHANS).

The project aims to decrease the vulnerability to natural hazards of selected countries in South America. The analyses for Maputo are intended to be used to support another UNESCO's project "School Safety". It aims to empower schools and their communities in the identification of hazard and risks they are the most exposed to, their vulnerabilities and their capacity to manage them.



Contact Person: Dr. Haris Kontoes, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Tel: 210-3490086