satellite access v1 Click the Button to visit the Sentinel Access Point


Searching for Sentinel data is often a complicated process due to the different missions available, the different Copernicus Sentinel Hubs that host data and geographic restrictions, but also the different performances of the Hubs in terms of download speed and latency (at both the inter and intra level). Thus, at BEYOND Center of EO Research and Satellite Remote Sensing we developed a service,  the Umbrella Sentinel Access Point, that brings the various Sentinel Access Points all together in a one stop shop (the so called federated access) offering uniform access to Sentinel 1, Sentinel 2, Sentinel 3, and Sentinel 5p metadata. This is done via connecting at the back end to a number of the available Copernicus Sentinel Data Sources and serving the data search results via a front end catalogue and an Application Programming Interface (API).

On the plus side the applications we have developed will be a solution for RO that will be the cheapest, has the best availability in terms of data access, matches the timeliness performance of the best performing Hub, and also secures downloading from the Hub with the highest, at the time, download capacity if the same product exists in more than one Hub.

On the cons side, our application will have to use as many accounts, as the number of Hubs it connects to. If we connect to 10 different Hubs then we will need 10 different accounts to be created once following the ESA policy on data download and user tracking.

Umbrella Sentinel Access Point

  • Independent of the API’s architecture; It can connect to any API under certain prerequisites.
  • Provision of the download link from the most appropriate hub for any requested product at a particular instance.
  • Scoring process for identifying the most appropriate Sentinel Access Point takes places every 15 minutes
  • API Offer, no GUI.
  • Ten connected hubs

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The Sentinel data federated gateway is accessed through the Application Programming Interface (API) directly from the Hellenic Mirror Site :


Application Development of Umbrella Sentinel Access Point: Athanasios Drivas, tdrivas[at]

General Contact Person: Vassileios Sitokonstantinou, vsito[at]