

Project Number: 2022-2-CY01-KA210-SCH-000099286
Project Acronym: Space EDUnity

General information
Project title: Creating student communities for the integration of crowdsourcing data, remote sensing and geoinformatics aiming to mitigation of climate change
Starting date: 01/05/2023
Duration in months: 18

Funding scheme: ERASMUS - Call 2022 Round 2 KA2
Call (part) identifier: Research and Innovation Synergies in the Region of Attica
Topic: KA210-SCH - Small-scale partnerships in school education
Keywords: School education, remote sensing, geoinformatics, climate change, crowdsourcing


SPACE EDUnity is an ERASMUS project that aims to foster student communities focused on preventing and mitigating natural disasters through crowdsourcing. The project leverages both in-situ data collection and satellite data to enhance existing services addressing the climate crisis. Moreover, it emphasizes the active involvement of student communities in disseminating crucial information within their localities. The project activities revolve around four key axes:

  1. Strategic Planning and Student Crowdsourcing Communities.
  2. Training and Field Actions.
  3. Experience Sharing and Best Practices.
  4. Dissemination and Communication.

As part of this project, participating institutions will collaboratively develop guidelines for establishing crowdsourcing communities. Students will receive comprehensive training on mapping software, satellite technologies, and the implementation of best practices for data collection and analysis. Importantly, the project seeks to highlight the importance of young citizens' active participation in safeguarding their communities from natural disasters and mitigating the effects of the climate crisis. By empowering students and leveraging their collective efforts, SPACE EDUnity envisions a future where communities are better equipped to handle natural disasters and build resilience in the face of environmental challenges.