eo clinic

ESA Open Invitation to Tender

The European Space Agency (ESA) has launched the EO Clinic (Earth Observation Clinic), a rapid-response mechanism for small-scale and exploratory uses of satellite EO information in support of a wide range of projects and activities specific to International Development. The EO Clinic consists of “on-call” technically pre-qualified teams of EO service suppliers and satellite remote sensing experts in ESA member states. They are ready to help development projects with a comprehensive range of skills and experience in terms of geospatial product generation and analysis, based on a large variety of satellite data.

This activity is also an opportunity to explore more innovative EO products related to developing or improving methodologies for deriving socio-economic and environmental parameters and indicators.

Since March 2019 and for the next two years, the EO Clinic is open to support requests by key development banks and agencies. The support teams are ready to meet the short delivery timescales often required by the development sector, targeting a maximum of 3 months from request to solution.

Are you an International Development professional considering a request for support from the EO Clinic? Send us a message to express your interest. Also, download our EO Clinic Requester Questionnaire!

More info at https://eo4society.esa.int/eo_clinic/