EOPEN: OPEN INTEROPERABLE PLATFORM FOR UNIFIED ACCESS H2020 EO-2-2017 2017-2020, GA: Νο 776019 218.125 EUR (NOA Budget)/1.999.500 EUR (Overall Budget) |
The project relies on (α) the infrastructures and research developed in BEYOND Center of Excellence, (β) the roadmap resulted from GEO-CRADLE in regards to the priorities concerning the gathering and channeling of information over extended geographic areas in the agriculture sector, and (c) the Copernicus DataHubs operated by the BEYOND Center of Excellence (e.g. Hellenic Mirror Site, DIASHub).
The EOPEN project studies the needs of users wanting to use or include EO data in in their big data analysis problems. The EOPEN concept is directed towards making EO data easy to use by the involved stakeholders. To achieve this, the EOPEN develops an exploitation platform that supports Big Data analysis by offering: 1. A library of commonly needed EO data processing capabilities and modules for data preparation; 2. Services and the capabilities to make optimal use of existing EO data sources and processing capabilities; 3. A framework supporting the Big Data Use Case lifecycle; 4. An infrastructure to perform Big Data processing and analytics. The contribution of the NOA is to engage the stakeholder community, and provide unhindered access to the Copernicus big satellite data so as to meet requirements concerning agricultural sector and food security over vast geographic areas. NOA leverages on high resolution of Sentinel 1-2 data together with crowd data and crowdsourcing techniques. The process demonstrates innovative EO information products easily used on a world basis in EU and non-EU countries (South Korea & China) for ensuring food insecurity. The innovation here generates reliable, accurate, timely and sustained crop monitoring and yield forecasts, supporting to the local/regional agriculture. This has a direct impact on food policies and security; reducing food poverty; boosting local business and investment opportunities. A web-application is built on a user centric approach transforming needs and requirements.