

ESA Call for Tender Reference AO/1-9019/17/I-NB

2018-2021, CCN:Contract Under Negotiation

240.000 EUR (NOA Budget)/1.900.000 EUR (Overall Budget)



The project exploits the infrastructure and research developed in the BEYOND Center of Excellence (pillar AirHub), the capacity building methodology and the network of stakeholders maintained by the GEO-CRADLE coordination and support action.
The Project has international, national and local stakeholders and users as a central focal point. It addresses needs and receives stakeholder feedback in terms of tuning requirements, delivery and assessment issues. It sets a clear cyclic feedback interaction with stakeholders in order to delineate a sounding and efficient engagement and control stakeholder plan so that the maximum benefits can be trespassed to all the actors (EO data and service providers, local community, government agencies, national and regional institutions). The project has defined main working lines as:

  1. EO based climate service delivery, which will run demo trials, assess their usefulness and determine the level of stakeholder satisfaction;
  2. Evaluate the most efficient way to assure a sustainable, long-term and independent exploitation of the developed EO based climate services by local and regional users.
  3. Capacity building and awareness monitoring, though establishing a capacity building plan with the proper materials, and monitor, and also assess the evolution of stakeholder engagement along project lifetime, and trigger alarms when interest drops down and/or the project is not fulfilling their expectations. The research team of BEYOND/NOA has undertaken the full responsibility to run the capacity building actions in the framework of the project.