
The Hellenic National Sentinel Data Mirror Site is a web based system designed to provide EO data users with Search – Cataloguing – Sorting and Dissemination capabilities for the Sentinel Products. The data that HNSDMS offers to its users are products over the region of South & Southeastern Europe, Middle East & North Africa. The qualified product sets are published for both the Near Real Time and Non Time Critical production following the In-Orbit Commissioning Review of each satellite. The retention period of the Sentinel Products offered in the HNSDMS is set to 30 days.The precise Area of Interest (AOI) that offered products intersect with, can be seen in the map below.

HNSDMS is using the one page site design paradigm to provide its users with a simple and user friendly landing page with the basic information of the project and link to the data hub.
Τhe Hellenic National Sentinel Data Mirror Site, which is operated by the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), and powered by GRNET S.A. (Greek Research and Technology Network).
For additional information please contact the Development and Administration Team of the Hellenic National Sentinel Data Mirror Site