The Operational Unit BEYOND Center for Earth Observation Research and Satellite Remote Sensing at the National Observatory of Athens is seeking a highly skilled and motivated Research Data Scientist to join our team and contribute to cutting-edge applied research at the intersection of Earth Observation and Artificial Intelligence.


  • Earth Observation Data Processing: Process and fuse heterogeneous earth observation and satellite remote sensing data to generate meaningful feature spaces for predictive modelling and explainability.
  • AI and Machine Learning Development: Apply advanced machine learning techniques to analyze large-scale Earth Observation datasets and develop AI-based solutions for environmental research.
  • Paper Writing: Prepare research papers and contribute to the dissemination of findings.
  • Participation in European Projects: Contribute to proposal writing, project realization, and deliverable preparation.
  • Travelling: Occasional travel for project meetings, presentations, and collaboration.


  • Master's degree or higher in Data Science, Statistics, Computer Science, Environmental Sciences, or a related field with a focus on Earth Observation data analysis and AI applications.
  • Proficiency in Python or R.
  • Proficiency in deep learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch).
  • Knowledge of remote sensing data processing techniques and familiarity with Earth Observation data formats (e.g., NetCDF, GeoTIFF) is appreciated.
  • Enthusiasm for causal inference is a plus.
  • Strong problem-solving skills, analytical mindset and ability to work independently and collaboratively.
  • English language proficiency preferably at C2 level, both written and spoken.

Join us to make a meaningful impact on state-of-the-art research that contributes to understanding and addressing critical agro-environmental challenges through the integration of Big Earth data and Artificial Intelligence. We offer a stimulating and collaborative work environment with opportunities for professional growth and participation in prestigious European, national, and commercial projects.

To learn more about our team's projects and research, visit our GitHub page:
Agri-Hub GitHub.


We Offer: A highly competitive remuneration package based on the qualifications of the candidate, including all legal deductions and taxes.

Location: National Observatory of Athens, Greece

Indicative start date: September 2024

Deadline for CV: June 16th, 2024

How to apply: Interested applicants should send their CVs to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You don’t need to send a cover letter.

Operational Unit BEYOND Center of IAASARS/NOA is an equal opportunity employer.